Jul 22, 2020 | Attack Surface Analysis, DevSecOps, Threat Modeling Process
For software and application development teams, data assets represent the culmination of years, even decades, of iterative hard work towards building business value. If put into the wrong hands, compromised data assets may ruin client relationships, lead to even...
Jan 22, 2020 | Attack Surface Analysis, DevOps, Extended Capabilities, Methodology, Threat Modeling Process, ThreatModeler
Threat modeling is catching on. Increasingly, organizations are coming to the realization that securing DevOps projects as early as possible – preferably during the initial whiteboard planning and design stages – not only reduces risk, it makes good business sense....
Oct 29, 2018 | Threat Modeling, Threat Modeling Process
Enterprises are recognizing the importance of implementing security measures early in the software development life cycle (SDLC) as data breaches are becoming more evident. The threat modeling process has proven to be the number one approach in removing security...